Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Reasons to be Pretty and how I almost lost my keys

Today I saw Reasons to be Pretty by Neil Labute.

Now, I read this play in college, and I have to say I'm a waffler when it comes to Labute. Some of his plays I love (Mercy Seat, Bash). Others I could take or leave. I thought reasons to be pretty was one of these plays. When I read it I thought it was stupidly shallow and mundane. Nothing special. Just a bunch of characters cursing at each other and fighting over stupid shit. It didn't seem like something that could be emotionally compelling to me.


After seeing it last night all of that changed. What a wonderful, wonderful performance. I was completely sucked into the play and the two hours flew by. Conor went with me and he turned to me right after curtain call and said "That's the end?! It went by so quickly!".

All of the actors were perfectly cast and I hated all of the characters for one reason or another. Steph was an over indulgent drama queen, Greg was a lazy intellectual, Kent was a capital D douche bag, and Carly was a vapid moron.

But even though I thought all of these people were AWFUL I still felt horrible for them. Except for Kent. When he got the shit beat out of him towards the end of the show I practically cheered.

The show was so goddamn truthful. Women really DO get upset about things like being called "regular" by their boyfriends and they DO have huge horrible arguments about it. It doesn't seem like it's a big deal when it's said like that, but when you're watching these painful verbal battles play out in front of you then you really feel how upsetting the situation is. I mean, nobody writes plays about petty relationship problems, but the truth is a lot of people go through it and it's cathartic to see it and know that, hey, it's real. It's part of many people's lives. So many people get trapped in these long term relationships because it's "fine" and they are afraid to be alone, but in the end, is it worth it? And maybe it's good that Greg called Steph "regular" because it gave her a reason to get out of a dead end relationship and it gave him a reason to pursue his passions in life.

Mostly the show made me thankful for the people in my life. I'm endlessly glad that I'm not dealing with drama on that level, and as painful as some of those scenes were to watch, they made me sigh with relief. "I don't know anyone cheating on their pregnant wife...Hallelujah!"

On another note, the transitions were great. All of the actors did their scene changes in character and it made them really enjoyable to watch. I made it so I didn't get taken out of the show while they were changing the set.

Really worth seeing.

I'm so glad Conor went with me! I've had trouble finding people to go see shows with lately because they are either busy rehearsing or lazy or poor or all three. But Conor and I had a great time. Before hand we went to The Beehive and were surprised to see they were having a Venetian Carnivale themed night! I got a free mask and a martini called "The Arlecchino".

Yesterday I almost lost my keys forever. Which was tragic. I had taken Maestro for a run at 7am (he was being a prick, so I was trying to wear him out) and realized they were gone. I frantically searched the ground on my route. I had gone home and given up until I realized I should go and ask in all of the stores in the neighborhood. Thankfully somebody had dropped them off at the convenience store.

This was the second time I've almost lost my "Pussy Wagon" keychain. The first time being in The Netherlands years ago. Mike said "The Pussy Wagon will always return to you. Always."

I hope that's true. I'd be pretty heart broken if I lost it now!

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