Sunday, March 20, 2011

Aren't Sundays supposed to be lazy?

Not that I'm complaining!

It's been a strange wack-a-doo week. I've felt inconsistent. Unable to focus. But I've also felt great about some things and tense about others. But! There are grand things afoot. And I like that. Of course! Oh! And surreal. There have been some surreal moments this week. Like leg puppetry. We all need a little leg puppetry in our lives! More on that later.

We've finally settled on a space for Super Land and I'm fucking giddy about it! I've really, really wanted to see this play happen for numerous reasons. It's a new work! It's campy! It's different! It's fun! It's exactly the sort of thing I wanted to see happen in starting our little theatre group. And now we've got something tangible to work towards. Ah! Yes!

Wednesday night Conor and I went to help out my friend Veronica by filming her leg puppetry performance. It was so neat:

She had trap door made in the ceiling so she could rig a climbing harness right above it, that way she was able to dangle her legs through the trap door and use her legs as individual puppets. Each of her legs was a specific character and it was goddamn adorable. The concept was really delightful and she pulled it off so well! There's something really bizarre and wonderful about seeing legs coming out of the ceiling. After awhile I forgot that those legs were even attached to a body, which I guess is the remarkable thing about puppetry...!

On an unrelated note I just spun around in my chair and saw Maestro passed out on his back in my doorway. I love when he does that. He becomes Sleepy Guardian of the Hallway!!!

Back to leg night. On our way out we made sure to grab a picture of this wonderful sign:

Kids must love going to Dr. Butts.

Maestro had his second class and I was really proud of him. Even though he was kind of a prick at the beginning I found his response to the work we did in class really rewarding! She had us put all of our dogs in crates for the class and for the first few minutes Maestro was fine, but then all of a suddenly he was like "Waiiiit a second, what?!" and he started barking his fool head off. I was persistent and I kept telling him quiet/pulling his leash then walking away. Eventually he finally started listening! And then I was able to give him a treat every time I looked over and saw he was lying down quietly! I was so proud of him for figuring it out and responding to me. We've been continuing the crate work at home and he's just getting better and better. I really do love my little guy.

After class I went out for Megan's birthday (which also happens to be St. Patrick's Day) and got way too drunk (I didn't even drink THAT much! Shows how much of a lightweight I've become...). I think because I've been so busy lately and I've been thinking about so many damn things that I haven't had time to really think about how I feel right now. So when I got drunk it was just this wild wave of emotions. All over the place of course! I had a good cry, good laughs, good rants. Although, I really don't like having little control over myself. Ah, well! Can't regret a good night. This is why I could never really be an alcoholic! Getting drunk takes waaaay too much out of me and it makes me not want to drink for a little while.

Friday was a wonky day because of the whole drinking-the-night-before thing and I never quite got my equilibrium back that day. I did, however, go to see Katie's show "Alice in Bed". I was so proud of them. It was one of those things where they were like "let's just put on a play" and they did. The script wasn't my favorite, but it didn't really matter because all of the actors were great. Especially Katie.

Saturday my friend Emily e-mailed me a way to get free tickets to The Donkey Show, which is a re-telling of A Midsummer Night's Dream through DISCO!

It was a blast. If I could sing I would want to be in it SO BADLY. I danced so hard.

Note: I'd been working on this post and got distracted and never posted it. It's hard to finish now because I started writing it so long ago so I'll just post as is! Who cares?!

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