Saturday, March 05, 2011

Attempts at Gardening, A new job

I've got another job! On Tuesday I'm going to start training to be a guide on the Freedom Trail. I'm really excited because it means I will have to research a TON of U.S history. I love having any reason to learn something new. I only barely remember Mrs. Pyle's AP History Class in high school, and I haven't had any real history classes since. It will be really good for me, I think. And the pay is great! Plus tips! I've been worrying about money lately, but this makes me feel better.

Yesterday I came home after kids show rehearsal (which went...strangely, I'm not sure I like how we're being directed, there's no freedom to be creative or to find the part in your own way. I feel like it's very paint-by-numbers. There's only one way to say a particular line, one way to do a joke, etc. And I feel as if I'm blamed for not doing it right immediately, even though I can't read minds. Oh well! He's a really talented guy, and he knows what's funny, but it doesn't make me any less frustrated. It doesn't really matter because we only rehearse once a week and once I know the show I know it and I have fun performing for the kids...but...ahh. That's how I feel. And this has been the longest parenthetical in the history of mankind. I was going to de-parenthize it, but I decided I like it), and I had a blissful time.

After taking the dogs on a play date with our neighbor's dog, they passed out in my room while I played Beyond Good and Evil and had a glass of wine. Heaven. I've never played that game and it's really, really good. Very streamlined battle system. It also has wonderful music and voice acting. I've only played for about two hours, but I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes. I love having a new game to play.

Backstage at the Children's Museum we have a board where we post things about our upcoming projects. Right now it's an example of what I lovingly call "theatre incest".

From Left to Right:
Book of Days (Anna, a friend of mine, is in this play with Joe), With These Hands (top/my web series that Andres, Joe, and the rest of my roommates are in), Rough Week (our theatre company), and The Freedom Trail (Anna works there and I'm about to start working there).

Everybody is connected in the Boston Theatre scene. It's kind of nice, actually! I adore the people that make up our little community.

My shift at the museum went really well today! The audiences were all so responsive! I really love that job in spite of my earlier bitching about rehearsal.

It was WARM today! So when I got home from work I came and told Lauren "Let's plant some BULBS!".

So we did. This is what we started with:

There was dog poop, dead leaves, trash, and all sorts of other lovely goodies! I don't have an after picture yet because by the time we were done planting it was dark, but trust me, it looks a LOT better.

We planted narcissus, daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, and A BILLION of crocuses. I have no idea if it's going to work out. We might have planted them too early, but we're hoping for the best. C'mon flowers, BE PRETTY!

Our next goal is to start growing some vegetables from seed inside and move them out into our garden in the spring. So far I think we're going to grow lettuce, tomatoes, green beans, cilantro, chives, garlic, peppers, and various berries. I've never had a real garden before. Last summer I grew lettuce in a window box and it WOULD have been successful, but it bolted before I had a chance to harvest it. This time lettuce, I will SHOW YOU!!!

While we were hard at work these two watched us from the window:

We tried to listen to "This American Life" while we worked, but these doofuses kept knocking the iPod and the speakers off the windowsill. They're lucky they are so goddamn cute.

Mmmm. Speaking of dogs, they are napping on me right now. Mike said I was like "Queen of the Dogs" and then Lauren used the phrase "Queen of Shiba Inu". We're a classy bunch.

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