Tuesday, April 26, 2011

We men may say more, swear more, but indeed our shows are more than will.

Memorizing one of my scenes from Twelfth Night for the Fundraiser on Thursday night. We're hauling ass to Ocean City for one glorious night of Shakespeare boozin n' schmoozin'. Hopefully we can raise some cash moneyz to get this bad boy up and running!

And here is documentation of THE BLONDE! Before (well, more like during) and after.

chelsea's iphone poops part 2 032 chelsea's iphone poops part 2 033

Woo! I've got to say, I've been enjoying it! It's nice to mix things up. I think I'm going to have to get a hair cut, though, now that my show is over. Aside from the blonde my hair is pretty damn boring. We'll see. I'm too poor to afford a hair cut right now so maybe I will offer my head to beauty school student or something.

Yesterday was awesome. I woke up. I played Portal and ate pancakes. Then Maestro and I went to the beach (he chased seagulls and tried to swim after some ducks in the water). Had True West rehearsal. Watched Game of Thrones and ate a delicious feast (Thanks, Conor!). Done. Best Monday ever.

Today I went to yoga with Scarlett, and we decided we're going to train to run a 10k. BECAUSE WE CAN.

Tomorrow I get my bike back from the shop. Good.

That's all. Next post will probably be able gardening. I'm loving it. I just moved my lettuce, cucumber, collard greens, and green bean seedlings outside. Please live plants. I want to eat you.

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