Tuesday, April 26, 2011

We men may say more, swear more, but indeed our shows are more than will.

Memorizing one of my scenes from Twelfth Night for the Fundraiser on Thursday night. We're hauling ass to Ocean City for one glorious night of Shakespeare boozin n' schmoozin'. Hopefully we can raise some cash moneyz to get this bad boy up and running!

And here is documentation of THE BLONDE! Before (well, more like during) and after.

chelsea's iphone poops part 2 032 chelsea's iphone poops part 2 033

Woo! I've got to say, I've been enjoying it! It's nice to mix things up. I think I'm going to have to get a hair cut, though, now that my show is over. Aside from the blonde my hair is pretty damn boring. We'll see. I'm too poor to afford a hair cut right now so maybe I will offer my head to beauty school student or something.

Yesterday was awesome. I woke up. I played Portal and ate pancakes. Then Maestro and I went to the beach (he chased seagulls and tried to swim after some ducks in the water). Had True West rehearsal. Watched Game of Thrones and ate a delicious feast (Thanks, Conor!). Done. Best Monday ever.

Today I went to yoga with Scarlett, and we decided we're going to train to run a 10k. BECAUSE WE CAN.

Tomorrow I get my bike back from the shop. Good.

That's all. Next post will probably be able gardening. I'm loving it. I just moved my lettuce, cucumber, collard greens, and green bean seedlings outside. Please live plants. I want to eat you.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Backstage at the CWT

I am doing something a little ridiculous and writing this on my iphone. I just haven't had any time to sit down in front of a computer recently! So here we go! I plan on riddling this bad boy with all kinds of typos!!

I am backstage right now at the second to last performance of Blackadder Part II. I am only in the first scene of the first episode so I've got plenty of downtime. The audience is strangely subdued tonight. Long week maybe? Who knows? Most of our houses have been delightful. Being in this show has been such a great experience. I love working with this company. And I love being in a show filled with potty humor and dick jokes. It's refreshing!!!

Let's see. Here's the past few weeks in a nutshell:
- preparing my freedom trail tour and getting cleared to start giving tours! Yay!
- taught my final drama class (phew!)
- training class with Maestro
- lots of time at the childrens museum
- brought the vespa out of hibernation!!!
- True West rehearsals
- Blackadder, of course!
- Release of Portal 2!!!
- premiere of Game of Thrones!!!
- watching a whole lot of Brotherhood


Last Sunday was the best. You know you've been busy when you get stoked about doing the laundry or going grocery shopping. Stop and Shop felt like heaven and clean clothes felt like an honest to god luxury. Ahh! Plus we started our garden which makes me so damn happy. I got raspberry, blackberry, and green pepper plants. And I started growing cucumbers, lettuce, collard greens, and scallions from seed! I hope things grow!!! I'm probably going to take some pictures and document the whole darn thing! I'm usually not very good at nurturing things, but we'll see. It's so satisfying to see little green things come out of the ground. Especially after such a hellish winter. Spring, let's hug!

I've also been trying to live more frugally. No more ordering in, no more take out. It's been 11 days since I've used foodler or gone out to eat. Yes! I'm also cancelling my gym membership and running outside instead (with Maestro!). And starting next week (after my bike gets tuned up) I'm avoiding public transportation as much as I can. Vespa or bike, that's it! I'm hoping this will cut down my expenses significantly so I can actually start saving money this summer. I want to travel so badly. My wanderlust is kicking (wow almost wrote licking) my ass. I love Boston and it will most likely always be my home base, but I need to go someplace new for a little while. It doesn't have to be now, but I need to feel like I am working towards seeing more of the world. And I'm sick of living paycheck to paycheck! So this is my way of taking control. I am not just going to let things happen to me, I'm going to seek them out goddamnit!

So there's that.

Oh. This is way over due, but I saw Book of Days a few weeks ago. Fuck. It was fantastic. Joe is so good. It makes me so happy to watch him act. The entire ensemble was spot on and it just made me feel so many things. It was a very fufilling night of theatre. One day I hope to be a part of a show that has an effect like that on someone. Even just one person.

I will post some pictures when I get to a computer! Only one more episode to go before curtain call...i think I'll get some reading in!