Monday, February 28, 2011

You gave a kick, I gave a slap

The other night I was walking home from rehearsal, and I was so goddamn happy.

It's impossible not to have fun when the show you're working on has lines like "So long suckers!! Call me if you get bored and I'll come around and kill ya!!!". It's just pure silliness and I'm ALL about that.

I also realized it was the first time in a long time where I wasn't thinking about the next thing I had to do. I was just in the present, enjoying myself, and not worrying about anything but my British accent (which is still awful, but I'm slowly improving!). It was one of those "Fuck, I love acting" moments.

Sunday I worked at the Children's Museum with Katie and we read True West backstage. I can't WAIT to start working on it. There is nothing more satisfying then playing a part where you just get to HATE somebody, especially when you start out trying so hard to hide your bubbling fury. And it's completely about the relationship between these brothers and all I'll have to do is focus on Katie because I know she's going to give me some great shit to work with.

After that I went to an Oscars Party! Hell, I don't even care about the Oscars, but why do people get so up and arms about them? "Psht, THAT Oscars was disappointing". Uh, what were you expecting? It's the oscars. There's going to be really lame jokes about the movies that came out that year and lots of celebrities in pretty dresses and awards getting handed out. I never EXPECT anything from the Oscars. I watch them if I have a reason to. Like a party. So I went, and you know what? I had a blast! They're just a reason to make our own jokes and argue over who's going to win. Good, healthy competition!

The host of the party (Kara's boyfriend Pat) had us all fill out ballots of who we thought WOULD win and who we thought SHOULD win. You'd get 1 point if you could a would win right and .5 points if you got a should win. The winners got DVDs from Pat's collection.

And I came in third! I won a copy of No Country For Old Men! Ah, the simple pleasures. After the party I picked Joe up from work and he made us midnight steaks. I love midnight steak with Joe.

On a completely different note, I am a BAD TEACHER. Holy crap. I can't even handle eight 3 -5 year olds for forty five minutes. It always starts out fine. The first twenty minutes I can engage them (especially if I read to them in a British accent), but the moment I try to get them to participate in an organized activity they FREAK OUT. Everyone starts shouting! and running! To steal a quote from Larry I become the "agent of chaos" just because I'm the drama teacher. I have no authority. They are leaping about like little monsters. It is TOO much. I don't think I can teach this age group again. And it's not their fault, it's mine. I just get...overwhelmed!

Ah! There's one little boy though who is a complete delight. He's creative, thoughtful, and enthusiastic. He loves every activity and he participates with his full being. I can tell he really, really loves pretending and it's so wonderful to watch.

But the rest of 'em? Can't do it. SORRY.

Ah well! After that was rehearsal and that sure plucked my spirits back up.

Yesterday I bought Joe Cheddar that had been aged 2 years. He's in Book of Days and his character works at a Cheese Plant and he's VERY PASSIONATE about it. So I bought Joe this cheese. It was DELICIOUS. I think we're going to get cheese of different ages and compare them.

Well. I have to do to my audition to be a Freedom Trail Guide. Ha. Ha. HA!

If I get this job I will be just like every other actor in Boston. That's FINE, though! I'm actually hoping I get it so I can learn some damn history.

American Revolution, get in me!

1 comment:

Madeline said...

you are doing a fantastic job of this. midnight steak is the best thing! agent of chaos!!!!! cheese!